I cannot tell you, Gentle Reader, what was in this besides raspberry. The flavor was tart, the mouth-feel smooth but punctuated with raspberry seeds, and the texture was slippery. One diner, sitting to my right, commented that it looked like a fresh human heart. I think the chef may have named this, but I neglected to find out the technical appelation of the Common Raspberry Turd since I am still recovering from it. Hot Banana Tacos, Batman, it's the Ambiguous Raspberry Turd!
A foodstuff named "turd"?!?
Could it possibly be Raspberry Curd:
1 cup raspberries
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/2 cup butter or margarine
3 tablespoons sugar
4 large eggs
4 drops of red food color (optional)
In a food processor or blender, whirl raspberries with lemon juice until pureed. Pour into a fine strainer set over a measuring cup. Stir with a spoon to force pulp through strainer; discard seeds.
You need 1/2 cup raspberry juice. In a 2- to 3-quart pan, over medium heat, melt butter; add raspberry puree, sugar, and eggs.
Reduce heat to low and stir constantly with a flexible spatula until sauce is thickened and smooth, about 10 minutes. for a deeper hue, stir in food coloring, a few drops at a time, until mixture is the shade desired.
Let cool, then cover and refrigerate until thickened, about 1 hour (or for up to 1 week).
That just looks NASTY.
Please tell us that you are also eating edible food that looks like real food.
Also, it looks like a giant tongue, a la the Rolling Stones.
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