I am not making this up. This was dessert at The Manor tonight. It was Mexican night, you see, and there was rice, chili, and a taco into which one could put some guacamole and salsa. It was a fascinating interation of some general basic food concepts all sort of slightly out of synch. But the "hot banana taco" won the prize for truth in advertising. It is a hot banana wrapped in a tortilla. That's all. No chocolate, no cream, nada mas. I would never have put those three words together unless the ever so creative chef had not shown me the way. It tasted, no kidding, like a hot banana in a taco. WTF.
That is gross. Bananas are gross. Gross gross gross *retch*.
We in the business prefer to call it a "banaco." People aren't going to take you seriously unless you use the correct jargon.
Actually, I've decided to make "hot banana taco" my new swear word. If I Hit my thumb with a hammer: "Hot banana taco!" The dog slimes me: "Ursa, hot banana taco, get off of me!" I fall on my face: "For the love of hot banana tacos!"
We should all adopt this immediately. You should teach it to the German students who come to Cinci later this summer.
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