Sunday, June 19, 2011

Commentry on blogging with an iPad

Gentle Reader, I'm sure you have noticed the strange punctuation and spelling in that last post. You have probably also noticed that there are no photos. These two things are a result of my blogging on eBlogger using an iPad. There are severe compatibility problems with the iPad and this blogging program. There are other applications that would allow better editing and the ability to upload photos, but then i would have to start a whole new blog. Rrrrr. Alas there will be nought but text until I get back when I will be back on a real computer so I can edit and add photos.

In the last entry, I mentioned three hostels. At the moment, I am at the Dlouha Hostel, all the locked doors are propped open with shoes, the young people shout their conversations, punctuated with swigs of beers, half of which goes into the young person and the other half onto the floor, giving the common room the sticky atmosphere of a festive frat. In fact, this hostel has the joie de vivre of a frat in many ways. Our students might really like the free wheeling atmosphere and be able to ignore the sticky grit. The far safer and quieter Downtown Hostsel would make me feel easier about them, but they might not like it as much for those reasons. Therefore, the slightly cleaner Ritchie Hostel might win our custom being as they are cleaner, but still in three middle of it.

OMG, one of the beer soaked young people just announced that she planned to have an existential crisis tomorrow at noon! I feel the real estate values rising.


Priscilla said...

She is waiting for tomorrorw to have her existential crisis! She can feel it coming! If she has time to anticipate it, then I think she will be editing it as it transpires. However, I don't get the real estate connection unless she's selling her house. Pris

Ruth Benander said...

(laughing) this young person was yellin drunkenly about her existential crisis ouside the youth hostel dorm room where I was "sleeping". I had thought I was surrounded by low rent drunks, but this low rent drunk seemed to have some grasp of philosophy, so I thought she was a higher rent drunk, but a loud annoying drunk all the same.