Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Convoluted symbols

Yesterday, while looking at my "Digestive biscuit post" Aidan O'Malley pointed out not only a spelling error (which of course I fixed, just as I fix the spelling errors K asiduously points out), but he also pointed out that there were quite a few Christian symbols in the desk picture I put in a recent post. 

On the right, you can see my Advent calendar, on the left you can see a St. Brigit's Cross, and on the wall you can see my flyer for the Messiah performance at the University Concert Hall. (You have to click on the picture and enlarge it to be able to see these things more clearly).  It does look awfully devout, doesn't it? However, through another pair of lenses, the Advent calendar is the nostalgia of the holiday 'count down', the St. Brigit's cross is not Christian (and it was a project from my folklore class), and the Messiah is way cool Baroque music. So, my desk is actually a rather synchretic place. I thought I would point that out only because when Aidan pointed these objects out, it scared me because I completely missed the religious reading of that picture!


K said...

Yeah, we all know you're secretly planning on running off and becoming a nun at an Irish-speaking convent. ;)

Unknown said...

.... or perhaps you're a closet druid ... concluding your research while planning to write one-up on the DaVinci Code. Personally, I'd like to see that one myself.

(Spelling errors? No sweat. I'm correcting all of ours for your printout. Oops.)

Priscilla said...

Granny says that the offering of the small biscuit breads beneath the St Bridget's cross ( which is very well done and real hands on) is the most pagan thing there and she is surprised not to see the raven off on the left ready to gobble them up. The Luke child pictures are likewise of a cosmic- nature origin even though they are familiar enough to melt the fear of things pagan of cocooned Christians. Fun picture up close!