Here is my study aid. Sweet and crumbly, they absorb tea like little heavenly sponges.

Oh, thou treat of angles, biscuit made from manna, encompassing all the comfort of hearth, home, and love all pressed into a little floury round of ersatz joy.

When dark of night descends and the reading never ends,
When my love is far from me and all I have is steaming tea
for comfort in the long cold night of reading with my failing sight,
Digestive Biscuits fill the void, and I could march, alone, on Troy.
(who's been reading a lot of Yeats and ancient Irish poetry? Me! Me!)
You are a poet of understated humor. Marching alone on Troy? Not without me, you don't!!!
Thanks for the info. Will have to find something like those biscuits around here.
Oh, you probably have heard, but we had a very enjoyable Thanksgiving luncheon today, joined by family members and your "love." Nice time had by all. The fellas huddled around after dinner enjoying a nice, long chat. (I was busy with giggling grandchildren!) Missed you...but sooner than I know...I know.
Ann: if you want to find this divine biscuit in Cincinnati, you have to go to Jungle Jims and go to the "England" aisle. There you will pay, I am not kidding, almost $4 for something one pays about one Euro for here. (63 cents at Aldis, but they aren't as good). They also come in the chocolate covered variety, but I doubt JJs has that kind.
Then you have to have some tea. Coacoa is good, too. Only if you have suffered the loss of a loved one should you put jam or nutella on a Digestive Biscuit.
There's no problem finding Digestive Bisquits here in Fort Myers. My local Publix Grocery carries both the plain and chocolate varieties of the McVities brand, albeit only in the 250 g size. As I recall, the price was about $3.69 for the plain, and maybe $3.89 for the chocolate ones.
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